alien palz is a community driven
collection of 10,000 randomly generated ERC-721 tokens on the ethereum blockchain, plus 10 1 of 1 legendary palz. Our mission is to build a global brand that you can be proud of. As a pal, you not only get an out of this world pfp, you also get to vote directly on how money is spent from the community wallet as well as input on merch designs and types! But that's not all! 25% of the mint will be given directly to Arkansas Children's Hospital and another 25% will be given directly to St Jude Children's Research Hospital and 50% of the royalties will also be given to the same hospitals for life!


Alien palz are a species of aliens who crash landed on earth centuries ago and have been hiding in the shadows ever since, trying to rebuild their mothership so they could return to their home planet. One day, a careless group of aliens was spotted gathering materials and made contact with the humans. Fearful of the humans, the group of palz presented them with gifts and in exchange, the humans have agreed to live peacefully with the palz. The palz were so happy that they could gather freely that they decided to share their treasures with the humans. Be prepared to take part in those treasures as the palz continue rebuilding the mothership!


25% of the mint will go to the founder's wallet.
25% of the mint will go to Arkansas Children's Hospital.
25% of the mint will go to St Jude Children's Research Hospital.
20% of the mint will go to the community wallet.
Secondary Sales
25% of the secondary sales will go to the founder's wallet.

25% of the secondary sales will go to Arkansas Children's Hospital.

25% of the secondary sales will go to St Jude Children's Research Hospital.

25% of the secondary sales will go to the community wallet.



Jack of all trades. Artist, smart-contract development and deployment, website creator. Ultra pal.